Friday, September 7, 2012

Can Scarce Believe It, or Day 54

It would appear that if you fail to regularly update your blog, people stop reading. I'd feign amazement, but doing so would be so disingenuous that I don't think anyone could suspend their disbelief. Still, can you believe that shit? My mind is blown.

To recap the last few weeks:
  • My house ain't clean, not even by the most generous standards
  • Miriam turned 5. I would love to show you photos, but the files were corrupted coming off the camera
  • Likewise, I'd love to show you photographic evidence of Elise returning to school, and Miriam starting same, but see the point above about file corruption
  • Sam has a tentative diagnosis of celiac disease, pending further testing when he is old enough for it to actually be effective -- this has had a rather deleterious effect on our ability to eat out, which is not a sorrow for our wallets or my waistline
  • Sam and Ginny are at this very moment dancing to Queen, and I would love to video record it for you, but they have a hit or miss approach to clothing themselves... and today is an emphatic miss
Friday wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
 Enjoy the weekend, punks.