Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Case of the Mondays, or Day 32

Let's hit the ground running, because I have about a million things to do today, and I'm honestly still all kinds of cranked-up from yesterday.

So hey, have you joined our Facebook community yet? Because if you haven't, there's really no excuse for that sort of behaviour. It's like reading this blog, but in smaller, crankier bites. Who wouldn't want that?

Daily tally of fail

Note: These are the things I actually managed to accomplish
  1.  Make and serve breakfast
  2. Clean up breakfast
  3. Review the menu for the current day and the next and compare it to what’s currently available in the home. Make note of anything that needs to be prepared ahead of time or shopping that needs to get done
  4. Begin long-advance preparations for dinner (such as making dessert)
  5. Wipe down kitchen work surfaces
  6. Sweep or mop the kitchen floor
  7. Have a quick lunch
  8. Prepare a special dish for dinner
  9. Serve dinner
You see number 7 up there? Have a quick lunch. That's where my day went to hell.

First of all, what kind of noob thinks "Hey, the kids are playing quietly upstairs - now is the perfect time to grab a quick lunch"?!?!?!?!?!? That should have been pinging me every parental alarm. But no, I decided to sit down with some nosh and a book.

Even when Ginny came up to me to announce "Sam made a puddle", I didn't feel concern. I just thought he'd taken his diaper off and peed on the floor.

Imagine my surprise when I found the bathroom sink running, and an inch of water on the bathroom floor.

Dramatic recreation
Chore of the day
Nowai. Didn't even go there. Fuck all got deep cleaned, although I did take the time to learn how to replaster a ceiling, because the water damage in our dining room is breathtaking.

Some reflections on the day
Children are evil. That is all.

Monday, August 13, 2012

A Tan and Sandy Silence, or Days 10 - 31

You see what I did there, with the John D. MacDonald reference? Anybody? No? Moving on, then...

Not shown: My indignation that the Wikipedia entry for this book is a mere 3 sentences long.

We've had three quiet weeks here, haven't we? Of course, my life off the blog hasn't been quiet. Notable highlights from the last 21 days include spending a week at the cottage, and helping one of my best friends get married. Well, I say "help", but what I really mean is "show up and not cock up the extremely low expectations she had of me as her bridesmaid." I'd like to think I managed it. She's still talking to me, so that's got to be a good sign, right? Right.

The downside to all this fun is that the house is about as awful now as it was when I started the 50s in the Future project last month. If I want to brightside this development, I could argue that this gives me an opportunity to greater hone my housewifery skills. Huzzah? Then again, I could just as easily argue that this is a festering crap pile of suck and responsibility, which would also be true.

Welcome to Day One: Redux.